Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Keeping Your Dating Life Hidden!

Love sees no bounds of religion, caste, creed or race. Love has nothing to do with the color of your skin and it has everything to do with the purity of the heart. Nothing more than the heart matters in love. This is true in cases of love at first sight, love which happens when you see the person for the first time. But still we have been hearing cases of couples belonging to different backgrounds and facing problems at home in almost every part of the world.

If you are someone dating someone from a different background and facing problems because of relatives and parents then here is what you should do. Keep the relationship subtle when you know that it is not accepted by those around you. There is no point in yelling about it in the town when you know that it might create problems. You might want to tell your friends about the relationship but make sure whoever you tell, that person should not tell your parents.

For example if you tell your family friends about your relationship and they tell their parents, then your parents might end up hearing about it. Meet your partner in places where your or her relatives and parents are not likely to frequent. If at all you do visit a place that is visited by her or your relatives and parents then make sure you do not hold hands or do anything that indicate that you both are a couple. When you are talking on the phone make sure that no one over hears you. A good idea would be talk at night or when no one is around. You have to be careful about such things. There is no harm in dating someone coming from a different background. Some people do believe otherwise but if they are made to understand and given time, everything always works out fine. It is a matter of time, patience and perseverance and such conditions are highly common in places in the world. You can also take tips and opinions of others.

You may also need to take precautions like making sure that your parents are not snooping on you online. So this means that you need to make sure you always remember to log out of Facebook or your email account before leaving the computer. If you don't, your parents may try and access your Facebook account and email.

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