Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dating Tips:-What Do You Say to a Guy That You Like? Here Are the Things You Need to Keep in Mind

Have you ever experienced walking into a bar or a party and you just happed to lay your eyes on the cutest guy in the whole room? Tongue-tied, you just let the moment pass and before you know it, he already went away with his friends! Prevent such a thing from happening again. Here's what you need to say to a guy that you like:

The simplest way to begin is to introduce yourself.

It is, of course, not advisable that you suddenly tell the guy that you like him. Any guy would get scared at such an approach. Introduce yourself to him then build the rapport from there.

Be interested in what he likes to discuss.

Find out as much info about him as you possibly could. Talk about the common things that you like. If he loves art, then maybe you can invite him into your next trip to the art gallery.

Imply that you like him through flirting.

The moment he starts to relax around you, that's the time that you begin your flirting advances. Let him know through your body language that you like him a lot. Tell him all the usual words of compliment. You may also want to accidentally touch him when you're pretending to get something past his shoulder.

Invite him to a casual date.

Don't scare him away by suddenly asking him out to a romantic dinner. Take baby steps at first - ask him out on fun group dates. You could both go to a common friend's birthday party or he could join the entire gang on a picnic.

Tell him you'd holler.

Give him your number then casually ask for his. This way, you can already promise to call him soon. You may also want to communicate with him through text. With today's technology, it's quite easy to get in touch with the people that you want to communicate with.

Whatever happens, don't gossip.

This is something that would make him think twice - no, ten times - about going out with you! Seeing that it's so easy for you to talk about other people behind their backs, he would think that you'd just tell all of your friends or even the whole town what you do if ever you become a couple. So, nope, he would rather not take you seriously!

Tell him all the interesting things about you but don't spill all.

You can go ahead and tell him about all the interesting things about you but just make sure that you save all the spicy and fun stuff 'til the end. This will compel him to get to know you more since you're like a puzzle that the he can't solve.

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